Direct and Indirect Speech

Mastering the Art of Direct and Indirect Speech(Direct and Indirect with Definition and Examples…..)


Language is a dynamic and versatile tool that allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. One fascinating aspect of language is the use of direct and indirect speech, which enables us to convey someone else’s words or thoughts. Whether you’re writing a story, conducting an interview, or simply engaged in a conversation, understanding and using direct and indirect speech effectively can significantly enhance your communication skills. In this blog, we will delve into the world of direct and indirect speech, exploring their definitions, differences, and how to use them correctly. Direct and Indirect with Definition and examples….

Direct and indirect speech can be a source of confusion for English learners. Let’s first define the terms, then look at how to talk about what someone said, and how to convert speech from direct to indirect or vice-versa.

Direct Speech( Direct and Indirect with Definition and Examples…..)

Direct speech, also known as quoted speech, is when we convey someone’s exact words or thoughts within quotation marks. It provides a vivid and immediate representation of what was said and is often used to make dialogues in stories and real-life conversations more engaging and authentic. so here we are going to discuss Direct and Indirect with Definition and examples….

Example 1:John said, “I will be there at 5 PM.”

In this sentence, the exact words spoken by John are presented within quotation marks, making it clear that it is direct speech.

Indirect Speech

Indirect speech, also called reported speech, is a way of conveying what someone else has said or thought without quoting their exact words. In indirect speech, we use a reporting verb (e.g., said, told, mentioned) to introduce the statement, and the tense and pronouns may change depending on the context.

Example 2: John said that he would be there at 5 PM.   

Some words get changed in indirect speech as given below……

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In this sentence, we’ve used indirect speech to convey John’s statement without quoting his exact words. Note the changes in tense and pronoun from “I will” to “he would.  Direct and Indirect with Definition and examples….

         (Assertive sentences)  

Rule-  If Reporting verb is in Present or Future tense then Reported part don’t gets changed…

Examples-     sita says ,” mira is ill”.

                       sita says that mira is ill. 

  • Ramesh will say,” Mahesh bathed in the Ganga”.

                     Ramesh will say that Mahesh bathed in the Ganga. 

Rule-      If Reported verb is in past and Reported part is in Present or Future then we change it in past tense like this-

  •  To Present Indefinite in Past Indefinite.

  • To Present continuous in Past continuous

  • To Present Perfect in Past Perfect

  • To Present Perfect continuous in Past perfect continuous

will/shall of future tense will change in would ,should.

Examples-  Rama said, “Krishna plays cricket”.

                    Rama said that Krishna played cricket.

  •  Rekha said to me, “Sinni has done the work”.

                    Rekha told me that Sinni had done the work.

Rule-      If Reporting verb is in Past and Reported Speech is also in past then Past Indefinite  gets changed in Past Perfect , Past Continuous in Past perfect Continuous.

Past Perfect and Past Perfect continuous don’t gets changed ..

Examples –  He said, “The horse died in the night”.                                                                                                                                 He said that the horse had died in the night.

  • She said, “Sita was writing a letter”.                                                                                                               She said that Sita was writing a letter.   

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Quotation Marks: Direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks, whereas indirect speech is not. Direct and Indirect with Definition and examples….

  • Pronouns and Tense: In indirect speech, pronouns, and verb tenses often change to reflect the shift from the original speaker to the reporter. This is a crucial distinction from direct speech where no such changes occur.
  • Reporting Verb: Indirect speech uses reporting verbs like “said,” “told,” “asked,” etc., to introduce the reported speech, while direct speech does not require these verbs.
  • Word Order: The word order in indirect speech is often different from direct speech due to changes in sentence structure.

Using Direct and Indirect Speech

  1. Direct Speech in Narratives: When writing stories or narratives, direct speech can bring characters to life and make dialogues more engaging.
  2. Indirect Speech for Summarizing: Use indirect speech to summarize a conversation, interview, or speech. It helps condense information without quoting lengthy passages.
  3. Context Matters: Choose between direct and indirect speech based on the context. Direct speech adds immediacy and authenticity, while indirect speech is useful for paraphrasing and reporting.
  4. Maintain Clarity: Ensure that your use of direct and indirect speech is clear to the reader or listener. Use appropriate punctuation and verb tense changes for indirect speech to avoid confusion.



Direct and indirect speech are valuable tools in the realm of language and communication. They allow us to quote others’ words directly for authenticity or report them indirectly for clarity and brevity. Understanding the differences between these two forms of speech and knowing when to use each one will enhance your writing and communication skills. So, whether you’re crafting a captivating story or reporting an important conversation, mastering the art of direct and indirect speech will undoubtedly serve you well in the world of language. 

Direct and Indirect with Definition and examples….

Change the following direct speech sentences into indirect speech.

  1.  She said, “I will come to the party.”
  2.  I love to travel,” he exclaimed.
  3. I have finished my homework,” Sarah told her mother.
  4. We are going to the beach tomorrow,” they announced.
  5. Don’t touch that!” he warned her.
  6. She said that she had a headache.
  7. He told me that he would call later.
  8. They mentioned that they had visited Paris.
  9. She explained that she couldn’t attend the meeting.
  10. He informed us that the store would be closed on Sunday.
  11. Please pass me the salt,” he said.
  12. She asked if I could help her with the project.


  1. She said that she would come to the party.
  2. He exclaimed that he loved to travel.
  3. Sarah told her mother that she had finished her homework.
  4. They announced that they were going to the beach the next day.
  5. He warned her not to touch that.
  6. I have a headache,” she said.
  7. “I will call later,” he said to me.
  8. “We visited Paris,” they mentioned.
  9. “I can’t attend the meeting,” she explained.
  10. “The store will be closed on Sunday,” he informed us.
  11. He requested that the salt be passed to him.
  12. “Can you help me with the project?” she asked.

2 thoughts on “Direct and Indirect Speech”

  1. Pingback: New Adverbs of Degree in English with Definition| Examples |

  2. Pingback: 8 parts of speech with definition and examples.

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